Michael B. Brown, Attorneys at Law

Social Security Disability

Since 1980, the Michael B. Brown law firm has successfully represented thousands of Social Security Disability claimants in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), a federal program, assists individuals who become disabled and no longer capable of work prior to reaching retirement age. These benefits often go a long way toward replacing the lost income needed for basic necessities.

Our attorneys understand the complex laws governing SSDI and take care to treat our clients with dignity and respect while guiding them through the entire claim process. We realize that one small error can result in the denial of benefits and understand the criteria that claim processors use to evaluate each application. We work to develop a place to present every client’s case in the most advantageous way and help our clients obtain their benefits as promptly as possible.

Our attorneys are devoted to helping the people of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia receive the benefits that they deserve. We perform this work on a contingency basis and do not accept payment from clients whose benefits have been denied.

If your claim has been denied, or even if you have just filed your SSDI application, we would like to help you. Please contact our office for a free case evaluation with one of our experienced attorneys.

Need help with any kind of legal issue? Schedule your case evaluation today!